How To Avoid Ticks While You Explore The Great Outdoors

It’s true, the likelihood of your dog being bit by a tick is higher in the summertime and other warmer months, especially while you explore the great outdoors with your pets. However, ticks can be a nuisance year-round.

Just like it can to you, ticks can cause serious harm to your pet. All it takes is just one bite for your dog to potentially contract a tick-transmitted disease.

Please pay attention and know what to look for when hiking outdoors with your pet, especially if you’re hiking in an area where ticks are common such as wooded areas, areas with tall grass, and anywhere that tends to be more swampy or moist. Ticks like to wait on the tall blades of grass so that it is easier for them to attach to your dog. Keeping your pet in the middle of a trail can help prevent this. But it is important that your pet be on a tick preventative medication. This will reduce the chance of contracting a tick-transmitted disease.

Common areas where you might find ticks include under your pets legs, elbows, between the toes, ears, under their tail and under the collar. This should be checked after every outdoor activity.

Call our office today to find out more information on ways to help your pet while you go out and explore.

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